Old Farm Gifts

Handmade gifts by Kathryn, Gayle, Laurel, Melissa and Cherilyn

Friday, February 12, 2010

Three Babies in a Year!

The year 2009 was a banner year for our family. Three little girl babies made their arrival - Eva (great-granddaughter) was first in March, then Kate (granddaughter) the very last day of June, then Grace (granddaughter) in August. They are so darling, each with her own little personality. I have the opportunity to get to know Grace the best because she comes to my house every other day to be cared for while Mommy works. She was 6 months old today and has learned so much in that time. She loves watching Baby Neptune while she plays in her ExerSaucer.     

Eva has learned to pull up to furniture (or my legs) and walk around holding on. She has a big brother, Anders, to learn tricks from. She's very smart and sly.

                                  Kate,  Eva,  Grace

Kate lives in AZ, but has been to visit a couple of times. She's so pleasant and mellow and will let anyone hold her - as long as she can see someone she loves in the room. She's very tall and growing fast.

1 comment:

Bird's Nest said...

I love this picture of Gracie. This is a very good idea mom. Everyone should get to experience your creativity and talent.